DIY Mask Tutorial

How To DIY Protective Face Masks At Home

Although many places have already reopened for business, the threat of COVID-19 remains -- especially in areas where hospitalizations are again on the rise. Since the CDC now recommends that everyone over the age of two wear some sort of face protection in public, particularly when social distancing measures cannot be maintained, the demand for masks remains at an all-time high.

But while there is no shortage of online shops you can rely on for mask creation, you may want to seize this opportunity to learn a new skill (and utilize any extra fabric you might have). Fabric masks can be washed for multiple uses and can actually be used to make a bit of a fashion statement, as well. Best of all, there are easy DIY protective face mask tutorials available that can be utilized by anyone who has basic sewing skills.

For this tutorial, you’ll need to use one yard of 100% cotton broadcloth fabric and elastic measuring anywhere from one-eighth inch to one-quarter inch in width.

You’ll want to pre-wash your fabric first in hot water and dry on high heat.

Then, cut two pieces of fabric measuring six inches by nine inches.

After that, cut two pieces of elastic that measure seven inches long.

Take one of the pieces of fabric and pin one piece of elastic on each side, pinning at the corners diagonally.

After that, pin the two pieces of fabric together and leave a two-inch gap along the bottom.

Now, it’s time to get stitching. Stitch all the way around your pinned pieces of fabric (excluding the two-inch gap) and use a three-eighths inch seam allowance.

Clip your corners and flip the fabric inside out. At this point, you can use an iron or steamer to press flat, being careful not to melt the elastic.

Then, you can pin three pleats in even allowances on the shorter ends of the mask. Make certain that the pleats are all pointed in the same direction.

To finish, you’ll then topstitch a quarter-inch from the edge all around the mask. This will help to establish the backside of the mask from the front, as you shouldn’t reverse your mask even after it’s been laundered.

Voila – you have your brand new face mask! This is a great creative project to stave off weekend boredom or to ensure your family members can get to the grocery store in safety. Don’t be afraid to use brightly colored or patterned fabrics. Although the main objective is to protect your health, there’s no reason you can’t express your stylistic point of view!