How To Keep Your Sewing Notions Accessible And Organized

Those who love sewing and have a penchant for creative projects will be aware of how easy it is to allow your sewing notions collection to spiral out of control. You think you are only buying what you need for putting together a quilt or making a skirt. And before you know it, you have hundreds of needles, thread rolls, pins, clips, and tapes and nowhere to store them. The biggest problem that this situation poses is when you try to find something because that is surely a task that feels like looking for a needle in a haystack. So how do you avoid this clutter? By keeping your notions organized yet easily accessible. Here are some easy ways in which you can do that:

  • Install a pegboard on the wall
    Pegboards are a convenient storage option for sewing notions. You can hang them near your crafts table or sewing counter to keep everything within reach. The best part is that since pegboards can be mounted on walls, they are a great storage solution for small spaces. You can customize them with hangers and containers of various sizes for different notions.
  • Store your notions in clear containers
    If you want to keep different notions in their designated areas and are looking for an affordable way to do so, clear containers are just what you need. Not only will they keep all your sewing essentials organized but also visible. This will help you pick out the right box when you need a needle or a clip, saving you the hassle of going through all of them. Moreover, you can keep them stacked on top of each other if you are short on space.
  • Repurpose an old toolbox or jewelry box
    You can easily DIY an old toolbox or jewelry box to store the notions that you have hoarded over the years. Since these boxes already come with compartments, they are perfect for storing small notions such as pins, buttons, and beads. You can safely store the boxes under your bed or in drawers.

Now that you have a better idea about keeping your notions organized, maybe you want to add some more to your collection? Check out Funky Monkey Fabrics for a selection of the finest sewing notions in Canada, which include various types of needles, threads, scissors, clips, piping, fabric markers, zippers, and more.