Weekly Sale: Kona/Solid Blenders - Alder Shirtdress

This weeks sale is on kona/blenders! Time to stock up as you always need these on hand. Simply use code blend10 at checkout to get 10% off your purchase.
When people hear Solids/Blenders, your mind is drawn straight to quilting. But for me, a blender is also an incredible way to make a solid dress more interesting.
This week, I sewed this Alder Shirtdress by Grainline Studios in this incredible Moda Cotton in Everglade Grunge.
Green has been my favourite colour my entire life, and I've always loved deeper shades. But often, green fabrics are hard to come by, but this fabric is everything I could want in a green fabric in a "solid" but totally not "solid. The fabric helps the unique design of this dress stand out.
And cotton is just the dream to iron, thus making a shirtdress a very good option. The full collar with collar stand, and buttonband, all stitch up so smoothly in this fabric.
While you're browsing this sale, don't forget to think about everything else these incredible fabrics can be used for beyond quilting - a shirtdress is a great base for any of these cottons!
There are so many incredible fabrics to check out. Just look at some of these beauties: